Baku Mall

Baku Mall


There are many malls in Baku, and one of them is Baku mall. There you can do your shopping, and eat in the cafe. There aren't so many shops or restaurants, but very good place for children, where they can play! 

The Tourist Advice!

We suggest you to Baku Mall, if your children need more place and more attractions to play!


Hasanbay Zardaby str 183, Yasamal Area, Baku city

Contacts of the mall:

 (012) 3033168

Work hours:

10 AM - 10 PM

How to get there:

1.By the bus: (numbers1 28, 29, 39, 205).

2.By the metro: Inshaatchilar m/s

3.By the taxi: from Torgovy (Nizami street) – ‘’+ -“ 8 AZN

You can also join ourCity Tours , where Baku Mall is also included